2020 Social Responsibility Report

2020 Social Responsibility Report

In 2020, the company adheres to the principles of integrity, mutual benefit and equality in its business activities. While pursuing economic benefits, it actively protects the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders and employees, treats suppliers, customers and consumers with integrity, pays attention to environmental protection, and is enthusiastic about public welfare. It strives to fulfill the responsibilities and requirements of "corporate citizenship" in daily business activities, thus effectively promoting the harmonious development of the enterprise itself and the society.
According to relevant regulations, the "2020 Social Responsibility Report" focuses on the work of 2020, and truly and objectively reflects the company's performance of social responsibilities in business activities.

Protection of Shareholders and Investors' Rights and Interests
In strict accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the "Company Law" and "Articles of Association", the company has established a general meeting of shareholders, a board of directors and a board of supervisors to perform decision-making, management and supervision functions respectively. , the audit committee, directly responsible to the board of directors; improved the rules of procedure, work rules and work systems for the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors, and the management, and formed the power structure, business decision-making body, supervisory body and management. A corporate governance structure with each performing their own duties, mutual checks and balances, scientific decision-making, and coordinated operation. Through inter-agency coordination and restraint and internal supervision, the company has become a legal entity and a market competition subject with clear property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, and scientific management. At the same time, the company has established a relatively complete internal control system based on its own operating characteristics, which basically includes all the operating links of the company, with strong guidance and norms.
2. Protection of employee rights and interests
Employees are the cornerstone of the company's survival. The competition between the company now and the future is also the competition of talents. It creates a good living environment and working atmosphere for employees, promotes the "family" culture of Busen, and makes employees feel the warmth and comfort of home. It is the fundamental goal that the company has always adhered to to provide employees with a good personal development platform, so that employees and the company can progress and develop together.
(1) Improve the employee security system and effectively protect the rights and interests of employees
1. The company strictly abides by the "Labor Law", "Labor Contract Law", "Social Insurance Law" and other relevant national laws and regulations and the provisions of the "Articles of Association", establishes formal and legal labor relations with employees, and provides employees with equal employment. , promotion opportunities, implement the same benefits for employees, actively promote the common development between the enterprise and employees, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees. The company actively builds a platform for internal communication and exchanges, strengthens the communication between the company and employees through various methods such as the company website, the general manager's mailbox, the chairman's mailbox, the company's internal journal, and symposium, and actively adopts the rationalization suggestions of employees to enhance the company. Cohesion, promote the harmonious and stable development of the company.
2. Establish and improve the salary and welfare system, and strengthen the salary incentive of employees. In 2018, the company reorganized the organizational structure and re-evaluated and adjusted the company's performance appraisal and salary system. In terms of the salary system, the company optimizes the salary plan and bonus plan according to the changes in the salary level of the company's location and the industry salary standard, so as to realize the adjustment of employee salary and the development of the company. The company strictly follows the principle of paying equal attention to distribution according to work and performance appraisal, provides employees with reasonable remuneration, and promotes the harmony and stability of labor relations. On the other hand, the company has established a comprehensive performance management system. Through the combination of regular assessment and irregular assessment, the assessment results are used as the basis for employee compensation and bonus distribution to encourage and mobilize the enthusiasm of employees and stimulate employees' enthusiasm. Enthusiasm for work to ensure the healthy and stable development of the company.
(2) Increase employee training and expand employee development platforms
In 2020, the company stepped up efforts to promote the employee training plan, and provided employees with a number of different professional and different levels of training programs for employees’ career planning, such as company-level training, personnel-specific training, business needs training, etc., through centralized face-to-face training. The combination of training and special training deepens talent training and improves the overall quality of employees. The company provides targeted special training for employees based on their job positions and required skills, such as production personnel capability matrix, excellent management personnel training, etc. The company attaches great importance to the talent reserve of management personnel, strengthens management training for grassroots, middle-level and senior management personnel. The company organizes to bring outstanding middle and senior management personnel to BASF and other world-renowned enterprises to study, and hires well-known enterprise management leaders to come to the company for face-to-face training. In addition, the company has also set up an "online school" to engage more employees through an advanced online learning platform. Through training, it continuously improves the overall quality of employees, broadens the employment platform for employees, strengthens the construction of talent teams, and ensures the smooth development of work in various departments. , and constantly improve the company's strategic height.
(3) Caring for employees and enhancing their sense of belonging
Continuously improve and perfect the internal management, protect the rights and interests of employees as much as possible, and enhance the cohesion of the enterprise. In the past year, the company has organized various activities such as safety production, red tourism, technical knowledge competition and labor competition to improve the ideological and professional quality of young employees. Adhere to people-oriented, innovative development, and timely mediate internal conflicts; establish various channels for employees to appeal, actively listen to employees' opinions and suggestions; strengthen system construction, vigorously create harmonious labor relations, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees. The party and mass departments have worked closely together to help compatriots suffering during the epidemic through the "Love Donation" activity; by investing huge amounts of money to improve the living environment and cultural facilities of employees, they have truly done good and practical things for employees. The company also attaches great importance to the welfare construction of employees, such as "March 8th", "Mid-Autumn Festival", "Spring Festival" and other traditional festivals, sending cordial SMS greetings to employees, distributing exquisite gifts and daily necessities, and expressing condolences and happiness to employees during festivals bless. The company actively carries out various cultural activities, organizes badminton competitions, singing competitions, employee basketball friendship competitions, etc., which enriches the spare time life of employees and promotes the harmonious development of the enterprise.
(4) Strengthen employees' awareness of production safety and effectively protect employees' labor safety.
The company strictly implements the safety management system, and has established a safety production leading group, which is responsible for the management, supervision and publicity of the company's overall production and life safety. The team formulates safety production management goals every year, and implements them from the company leadership to the workshop team leader at every level. Regularly carry out publicity, education and training on safety production, legal system, fire safety, traffic safety and other aspects for all employees, and organize fire safety education and training, fire emergency evacuation drills and fire extinguisher fire hose field operation fire drills several times every year, so that employees deeply understand The importance and necessity of safety production, and improve their own safety awareness. The company organizes health examinations and gynecological examinations for in-service employees to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases, so as to ensure the health and safety of employees, so that the majority of employees can deeply feel the care of the company and reflect the warmth of the company's big family. In 2020, the wearing rate of the company's labor insurance products and the proportion of physical examinations for risk positions are all 100%, there are no major safety accidents and fire accidents, the work-related injury rate is 0, and it has won many honors such as safety production units.
3. Protection of the rights and interests of suppliers, customers and consumers
Suppliers, customers, and consumers are the providers of the company's products, the communicators of services, and the consumers of the products, and they work with the company to produce and create value. The company adheres to the principles of integrity, mutual benefit, and equal consultation, strictly implements the contract, establishes and maintains a good relationship with partners, creates a communication platform, complements each other's advantages, and builds a win-win situation.
(1) The company pays attention to and protects the interests of suppliers and achieves a win-win situation with suppliers.
Maintaining a good strategic partnership with suppliers is the goal of the company's work in recent years. In order to effectively evaluate and select qualified suppliers, optimize the company's supply structure, improve the company's supply system, improve the supply level, ensure that the supplier's supply quality, price, production and delivery capacity can continue to meet the company's requirements, and can provide high-quality after-sales service , to ensure the company's normal production needs. The company has established and improved the supplier management system and supplier evaluation system, managed and updated supplier files in a timely manner, established a "Qualified Supplier List", organized supplier qualification assessment, and managed and assessed the business of qualified suppliers. , and add sample verification, supply quality management, etc. to the assessment scope.
The company often holds supplier communication meetings. The meeting invites supplier representatives to speak and listen to suppliers' suggestions for improving the company's supply chain system. The two parties have group discussions on the problems encountered in cooperation. The company also communicates with suppliers on issues commonly faced by the biopharmaceutical industry, and shares with suppliers the company's supply chain requirements and expectations for suppliers. The company adheres to the implementation of a fair and transparent procurement system, and adopts standardized and standardized procurement procedures when conducting business cooperation with suppliers. At the same time, based on the further improvement of the supplier evaluation system, the bidding process and post-event audit have been resolutely implemented, and the complaint and communication channels have been kept open, creating a fair and efficient competitive environment for suppliers. The company resolutely puts an end to unfair trading behaviors that violate business ethics and market rules and affect fair competition, effectively maintain a fair and just trading environment, protect the legitimate interests of suppliers, and promote the company's sustainable, stable and healthy development.
(2) Taking consumer rights and interests as the starting point to improve the quality of products and services
The company strictly controls product quality and implements a full-cycle product quality monitoring system to ensure product quality. The products are tracked and tested by the company's quality inspection personnel throughout the production process. A thorough quality monitoring system ensures the company's product quality and protects the rights and interests of consumers.
The company attaches great importance to close communication with consumers and actively builds a platform for communication with consumers. The company regularly conducts consumer research, and through face-to-face communication with sales terminals, conducts satisfaction surveys, pays close attention to consumer needs, strengthens product research and development, and develops pharmaceutical preparations that further meet consumer needs. On the other hand, the company has made every effort to build a corporate website http://www.feiyachem.com/, established a "skype chat" system, and set up a hotline to arrange special personnel to handle customer complaints and business inquiries. The company has established a customer service department to be responsible for after-sales service, listen to consumers' complaints about products and services, assist consumers in product return, replacement and repair, and supervise each terminal to do a good job of after-sales service to ensure that problems are solved in a timely and fast manner.
4. Environmental protection, energy saving and sustainable development
As a responsible biopharmaceutical enterprise, the company has been actively undertaking various social public responsibilities, and has been responsible for environmental pollution, energy consumption, comprehensive utilization of resources, safe production, product safety, etc. brought to the society during production, service and operation. Problems will be rigorously evaluated, and a series of indicators will be developed to study corresponding improvement measures. The company continuously improves and perfects the construction of environmental protection system, including more than ten environmental supervision systems such as "Environmental Reporting System", "Environmental Information Disclosure System", "Environmental Monitoring System", "Environmental Protection Facilities Operation and Maintenance Management System", and strictly control Environmental Quality.
In terms of energy utilization, we have adopted measures such as a water recycling system, utilizing peak-to-valley electricity consumption and technology, and new methods of process energy saving, which not only greatly improve the utilization rate of water resources and natural gas resources, but also save the production cost of enterprises. , improve economic efficiency.
The company actively organizes employees to carry out the "green travel" initiative, enhances employees' awareness of green environmental protection, advocates water saving and electricity saving for all employees, uses energy-saving lamps and lanterns for lighting in the office area, and implements lights out when people walk away. Low-consumption energy-saving and emission-reduction equipment, actively promote paperless office, and implement online electronic tools. The company strives to build a harmonious situation in which development speed is unified with quality and efficiency, and economic development is coordinated with resources and environment, and has made due contributions to building an environment-friendly and resource-saving society.

5. Social Responsibility
As a responsible chemical enterprise, the company strictly adheres to social values ​​and ethics, regards giving back to the society as a social responsibility for business development, strives to operate, drives local economic and social development with its own development, and contributes to social stability and social stability. contribute to prosperity and development. 
(1) Operating with integrity and paying taxes according to law
Since the establishment of the company, the company has continuously established and improved various rules and management systems, supported national policies, actively fulfilled corporate social responsibilities, insisted on standardized and honest operations, and actively assumed and fulfilled statutory tax obligations. In 2020, the company paid a total of more than 30 million yuan in taxes and fees, which strongly supported the national and local fiscal and taxation, and promoted and driven the development of its own and local economies. The company continues to expand the scale of recruitment, strives to create employment opportunities for local residents, and makes due contributions to the improvement of people's lives, so that the society can share the development results of the company.
(2) Do not forget the mission and give back to the society
We focus on the research and development and production of antioxidants and anti-aging agents, and strive to reduce the aging and waste of materials, use chemistry to rejuvenate materials and serve for savings and efficiency. At the same time, adhering to the spirit of national enterprise, it aims to break the foreign monopoly on high-end and special lubricants and greases, and strive to develop and explore the downstream industry chain. Professionalism and professional talents, as the core driving force of our career development, must be reflected in every small aspect of every work in our career. We regard any unprofessional behavior and performance as the biggest enemy!
We adhere to "quality first, always innovate", and regard product and service quality as life; we regard change as an opportunity to bring growth, and use quality to promote growth; we firmly believe that the ability to execute under the guidance of firm belief is our success. guarantee! Building a strong executive team is our pursuit. We must make unremitting efforts towards this goal!
We respect the rights of employees, care about their welfare and career development, and believe that the success of the company comes from the success of every employee! For this reason, we reward progress, celebrate achievements, give every employee with a dream the greatest development space, and be responsible for their career development! At the same time, we also advocate that employees are responsible for the company. We believe that a good person should first be a responsible person! We must not only take responsibility for our employees, but also uphold our responsibility by providing high-quality products and services to our customers and repaying the society and shareholders in a timely manner!

Jiangsu Feiya Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd.
March 10, 2021